Our programs in Earth and Environmental Science prepare future scientists who are equipped to address complex issues including the mechanisms and effects of climate change; identifying the nature and source of contaminants in the environment; designing novel methods of removing contaminants from air, water and soil; understanding interactions between humans and the coastal zone; developing strategies for responsible land use and water resource management; and understanding the workings of our planet from the core to the top of the atmosphere.

Earth and Environmental Science
Career Opportunities
- Geoscientist
- Anthropologist
- Archeologist
- Atmospheric Scientist
- Meteorologist
- Environmental Engineer
- Environmental Scientist
- Geological And Petroleum Technician
- Hydrologist
- Petroleum Engineer
Contact Information
Undergraduate Programs
BS in Earth and Environmental Science
A minimum of 120 semester hours of coursework is required for the baccalaureate degree with a minimum 2.0 overall GPA, and a minimum 2.0 major GPA. However, more than 120 semester hours may be required depending upon the major field of study.
BS in Earth and Environmental Science (Combined BS/MAT with Teacher Certification in Earth Science (Preschool-Grade12) and Teacher of Students with Disabilities)
This program leads to the BS in Earth and Environmental Science degree and Initial Teacher Certification in Earth Science.
BS in Earth and Environmental Science with P-12 Teacher Certification in Earth Science
This program leads to the BS in Earth and Environmental Science degree and Initial Teacher Certification in Earth Science.
Minor in Earth and Environmental Science
The minor in Earth and Environmental Science is a 19 credit program that can be customized to emphasize earth surface processes or deep earth processes.
Certificate in Climate Science
Graduate Programs
MS in Earth and Environmental Science
The graduate program in Earth and Environmental Science prepares students for employment in the environmental sector including state and federal agencies, industry, and educational institutions, or for doctoral programs.
Instructional Certification – Subject Area Certification (Preschool – Grade 12)
Students with a baccalaureate degree who are interested in teaching may pursue the post-baccalaureate program for initial teacher certification. This program includes undergraduate-level coursework in earth science, biology, chemistry, and physics, and graduate-level coursework in education.
Environmental Forensics Certificate
This 15-credit certificate program is designed for environmental professionals seeking to augment their laboratory analytical skills and environmental remediation knowledge.
Water Resource Management Certificate Program
This 13-credit certificate program is designed for environmental professionals interested in water resource management, sources of contamination and remediation of surface water and groundwater, and hydrologic modeling.